Frequently Asked Questiosn by MS1s and MS2s
Dermatology is a highly competitive varied field dealing with adult and pediatric patients and encompassing cosmetics, pathology and surgical techniques to evaluate and treat a variety of inflammatory and neoplastic disorders. A very strong performance on Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is required. Programs are most interested in students who have demonstrated a strong interest and commitment to the field through clinical exposure and research.
While research experience is not required it would certainly strengthen your application. Most importantly, do a research project that you find highly interesting and are eager to engage with. Your preclinical years are a great time to get started with a research project. It is generally preferable to have completed two to three comprehensive projects where you had significant involvement rather than multiple projects where you were only superficially involved.
Talk to your mentors and Dr. McEchron as he can help guide you to find a good “fit” depending on your interests. Work with your peers, Residents and Fellows as well as Dermatology faculty and express your interest in getting involved.
A strong academic foundation and strong performance on Step 1 is your most important priority. If you can successfully add volunteer work or other extracurricular activities and maintain a healthy balance with your academics then it is highly recommended. Volunteering will make you more well-rounded and better informed to make a career decision while gaining valuable experience and serving the local community.
The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) tracks statistical trends for matched students in each specialty. Learn more about Dermatology match trends here
Frequently Asked Questions by MS3s and MS4s
Most students start thinking about letters toward the end of 3rd year and beginning of 4th year. We recommend doing your Medicine Sub-I and away rotations early in Blocks 1-5 of your 4th year to facilitate developing professional relationships and obtaining letters of recommendation along the way. Your Career Advisor and Specialty Advisor can provide you a more specific recommendation of the number and type of letters based upon your individual circumstances and competitiveness.
You should have your CV updated and your personal statement available for reference. If you are asking for a LOR during your Sub-I or away rotation, consider asking for it about three weeks into the rotation from a faculty member who you have worked very well with. Even better if you have developed that relationship with the Department Chair or Program Director. When asking for a Letter of Recommendation it is ideal to do it in person. It is appropriate to ask specifically if they would be willing to write you a “strong letter of recommendation”. Please thank your letter writers for their effort.
You are allowed to submit up to four letters in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). We recommend including letters from faculty that know you well from your Medicine Sub-I and Dermatology away rotations and from faculty that support other aspects of your application. This could include your SP mentor, MPH or Certificate of Distinction programs you are a part of and from a research mentor you have worked closely with.
Yes, depending on specialty, all LOR do not have to be from the field you are applying to residency in. It is recommended that most of your letters come from Dermatology attendings with whom you worked with during your rotations. A good combination of letters might be: Department Chair, two attendings, and one research mentor (if you worked closely together and have a good working relationship). That said, only ask people who are willing to write you a strong recommendation!
A Department Chair Letter is required to apply to a Preliminary Year prior to an Advanced Dermatology Residency. Please check the individual program websites for more specific expectations.
In addition to your 4th year Medicine Sub-I rotation, away rotations in Dermatology are strongly recommended. Some of the benefits of doing an away rotation include networking, increasing the number of interview invitations you’re likely to receive, and figuring out what you’re looking for in a residency program and having an endorsement from faculty from your away rotations can make a very positive impact on your application. We recommend working closely with your Career Advisor and Specialty Advisor to help with this decision.
Information specific for Dermatology
Update for Academic Year 24-25
Elective Recommendations from Clinical Specialty Advising
Note: You must be a current student with an active account to access
Additional Resources
Click this link to visit the American Academy of Dermatology Association
Click this link to access the Dermatology Interest Group Association Website